Women’s Fellowship
The Ladies Aid Society was organized in September of 1892 in the home of Mrs. Anna Barten, with the Rev. A. Bolliger leading the organizational meeting. In 1923, the Women’s Missionary Society was brought into being and an organizational meeting was held in April of that year with 17 charter members. In December of 1941, the Women’s Guild was organized and the Women’s Missionary Society was dissolved. In 1959, as the United Church came into being, the women’s work of the church took on the name Women’s Fellowship and organized into four Circles, more or less according to location.
The current New Basel Women’s Fellowship group meets monthly for Bible study and supports other activities throughout the year for the church and the community. Some of these activities include: All-Church Night Out, which is usually held in February; a Mother-Daughter Salad Supper, held in the Spring; and a Guest Night, held in the Fall. A group also meets once a month, (October – April) to tie quilts that are then given to area nursing homes and women’s and children’s shelters.
Other Organizations
Other organizations active in the church through the years have been the Christian Endeavor Society, later changed to the Young People’s Society and organized as Senior and Junior Youth, and the Men’s Brotherhood, later known as the Men’s Fellowship.